I am trying a new thing. Today over on YouTube, you can join me in my kitchen as I share a bit about one of the only herbs that is happily awake in my sleepy garden right now - rosemary!

We'll talk a bit about some of its therapeutic constituents and about how you can work with it or its essential oil to make one of my favorite at-home remedies for respiratory congestion.

Apparently, the YouTube algorithm likes it when videos are viewed shortly after they are uploaded, so if you could give this new video a bit of love, we would really appreciate it! =)

I have added a menu to my profile link here on Instagram to make it easy for you to find the link to the YouTube channel should you wish to subscribe to / visit it (along with other links I often reference).

Jon is now working full-time with me at Floranella, so you can expect to see new videos over on the new(ish) YouTube channel (technically, it has existed since we uploaded our lavender documentary film there, but we have not really uploaded much since) regularly on Saturdays. Herbal / aromatic remedy making and education, as well as behind-the-scenes fun from our urban homestead and garden will be making appearances in upcoming videos.

If there is anything you would like me or Jon to talk about or demonstrate in future videos, please let me know!

#rosemary #herbalism #herbalremedies #herbgarden #organicgarden #aromatherapy #floranella #clinicalherbalist #aromatherapist #certifiedaromatherapist

